Pine Lakes Ranch Road Maintenance/Snow Plowing Policy

Adopted 02/22/2007

Recorded 03/01/2007 as Instrument # 318967

The Board of Directors of Pine Lakes Ranch Homeowners’ Association (“PLRHA”) hereby reaffirms and clarifies the responsibilities of the Pine Lakes Ranch Homeowners’ Association regarding the repair, maintenance and snow removal of dedicated roads as outlined in the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (“CC&R’s”) of PLRHA.

PLRHA will be responsible for repair, maintenance and snow plowing of those roads dedicated to Pine Lakes Ranch and those over which Pine Lakes Ranch has an easement. Individual lot owners have total responsibility for access roads to or through their blocks.

This policy rescinds and supersedes the Pine Lakes Ranch Road Maintenance/Snow Plowing Policy, Instrument #216449, recorded February 14, 1996, and any and all policies previously adopted with regard to road maintenance and snow plowing.